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Pet Parents by Coleen Ellis

Losing a pet companion can be a life changing and traumatic event. None of us knows how the loss will affect us until we experience it ourselves.

We would like to recommend this book by Coleen Ellis to help with the grieving and healing process. 

Coleen Ellis lost her “baby girl” in 2003. She was devastated and didn’t think people understood the depths of her loss.

It prompted her to write this guidebook that we feel will benefit pet parents, veterinarians, death-care professionals and others.

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Who is Coleen Ellis ?

For Coleen, her foray into helping grieving pet lovers started in 1998 with a chance encounter with a pet parent facing the death of her beloved pet.

It was the beginning of a vision of how to best meet the needs of pet parents in their desire to mourn, memorialize and pay tribute to their beloved pets when they die.

 In 2004, the experience of the death of Mico guided her in starting the nation’s first stand-alone pet funeral home.  

Soon, publications such as Kates-Boylston’s Pet Loss Insider deemed her the “most well-known pet funeral director” and a true “pet loss pioneer.” 

Two Hearts Pet Loss Center was founded in 2009 to guide people who wished to do the same in providing meaningful pet death care services in their communities.

The Pet Loss Center strives to be the nation’s premier pet loss service, elevating the experiential component of pet loss and grief care across the country. Read more here