Good Grief !
Let your heart break-
so your spirit doesn’t !
What are the different stages of grief?
It is natural for people who are facing death, as well as those they leave behind, to move through many stages of grief. For survivors, the grieving process can last for several months or for 2 to 3 years or more.
This is also true for those who are grieving the loss of a fur-baby.
The stages of grief do not necessarily fall into a set order, and vary greatly from one person to another.
People may move in and out of these stages at different times throughout the grieving process.
These stages include:
- Shock
- Depression, loneliness, and a sense of isolation
- Physical symptoms, such as headaches, body aches, or stomach distress
- Feelings of panic
- Guilt
- Anger
- Inability to return to daily routine
- Return of feelings of hopefulness
- Acceptance

If you or a loved one is experiencing a grieving period that seems to last longer than it should, you may want to seek professional counseling to assist you through the process. Your healthcare provider may be a good referral source, or you may want to speak with your spiritual leader (like priest, rabbi, and minister) for advice.

Our Pet companions can also feel grief and loss, as depicted above with this orphaned Kangaroo Joey finding comfort with a Teddy Bear.